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Everything posted by Ascension

  1. wint3r will do the kidnap and ash will do the rape. Careful with them
  2. Dan ndak ngulang kesalahan yang sama
  3. Tolong bagi temen - temen yang kena banned entah karena kasus apa.. Jangan terus pake speaker ngumpat GM atau Staff, apalagi pakai basindo. Itu ga bakal bikin ID kalian balik. Dari pada habisin waktu ngumpat GM atau staff, mending nunggu sampe durasi bannya abis untuk yang banned beberapa hari, untuk yang perma, juga ga perlu ngumpat GM atau Staff di speaker, itu ga bakal bikin GM buka ID kalian.. Mending bikin ID baru sambil merenung dan ga ngulang kesalahan yang sama. Satu lagi, ga perlu spam forum untuk unban, itu bisa nambah ban durasi kalian bagi yang ga perma apalagi sampe bikin post palsu cuma untuk menarik perhatian GM buat ngemis di unban. Yang ada mereka malah kesel, siapa yang ga kesel di boongin? Sebagian besar ID yg di banned dari negara kita lho.. Klo dari kecil dan curang cuma untuk main game, bagaimana di kehidupan nyata? Intinya, buat yang kena banned, yang sabar aja jangan nambah masalah, kalo ngerasa ga nglakuin kesalahan, kasi bukti yang bisa dipercaya jangan ngomel. Setelah di check sebagian besar kesalahan pemain indo itu : Cheat Hack Dupe Jual barang palsu Web scam Non-english shout (speaker/toa) All caps (Hurufnya gede semua, biasanya pas ngamuk) Bad mouth (Menghina/berkata kotor/kasar) RMT/ Real Trade Money (Jual/beli gold, character, ID atau trade character) Scam (Nipu) Pura - pura jadi GM atau staff Spam/Flood Claiming spot (Ngaku-ngaku tanah milik sendiri padahal tanah pemerintah, LOL) KS/Killing steal (Nyolong jatah orang) Multivote (Punya ID segudang pake vote) Nah lho, banyak kan? Masih banyak lagi, tapi males nulisnya, malu. Ada post kaya gini, saya malu nerjemahin ke GM waktu di tanya Itu yang ngelecehin siapa yang marah siapa? Namanya saya sembunyikan Tambahan: Orang yang pernah kena ban dan ga terima pasti ga suka sama postingan ini Orang yang belum (semoga jangan pernah) kena ban dan orang yang pernah kena ban tapi bisa move on pasti setuju sama saya
  4. No for human SM. You'll lose RI
  5. Agree.. Like i sold my weapon and get some gold. move my gold to other char and roll back my weapon
  6. or the prices you set :P i found someone selling AK for 5m xD
  7. Ascension

    Which is better?

    i use this guide for my necro Click me
  8. Or when you sell consumeable items like reskill, restat, lb, etc. You sell it, the buyer use it. how roll back will work?
  9. GMs are trying to improve the server atm *out of topic* I miss seeing your siggy :o
  10. well, it was fine. been playing for months. So, i dont think its my OS since im not chging anything on this month
  11. Reinstall my OS then re-update the whole driver and system that i've been updating since few years ago? No thx. Except you can give me guarantee if its will work
  12. Not useless. I need it cuz i want it. Does it really matter if its useless for you or not?
  13. its gone when i click close or kill it with task manager. but once i start the game again, its back
  14. its keep happening. I clicked close, its gone. but when i start the game again, its back
  15. So, its been a week and i decided to report this. I wasn't installing or uninstalling any app from my PC before this warning appear. Everytime i click Start Game this warning keep popping out. I tried : delete celestiapatch and repatch (not working) Reinstall (not working) My AV or FW? I guess not because i can play perfectly before So, any idea?
  16. lol, your reply wasnt there... But its ok, just suggestion :3
  17. or your speed is increased, but you on walk mode not run mode
  18. you can take my time if you need more How about able to choose color for hair and eyes?
  19. My suggestion: Make players able to choose hair color ^_^ Because now, there is hair style that i liked so much, but dont like the color
  20. My AV not detect it as malware
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