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Everything posted by Azeterix

  1. How did you even... this is amazing. Do this, please!
  2. Azeterix

    One Handed Rk?

    So many nos. .__. Alright, that's all I needed to know, please move or lock this.
  3. Azeterix

    One Handed Rk?

    So if I was going Magnus, which I am, would I take Rune Knight?
  4. Azeterix

    One Handed Rk?

    Are they good, or are they worthless or just a stepping stone? As much information as possible would be great, thanks. Just describe the pros and cons of a one handed rk.
  5. Leaving your watch at the sports hall while changing. I mean how the hell do I forget my watch!? I MEAN HOW!? My brain is so... stupid sometimes. Dammit. D:
  6. It doesn't work and it never did. Just be more careful when disjointing items. :P
  7. Azeterix

    Now Playing???

    Coyote Kisses - Galactic Love Song
  8. Level 112 is such a depressing place to be, how do people even get to 120!? D:

  9. THIS. This pisses me off so much it's not even funny.
  10. Azeterix

    Bugged Skills?

    FINALLY I know the bug, +1 to you good sir.
  11. In response to that, what are the uses for the processed diamonds and cracked diamonds?
  12. I have a few questions regarding the game itself to refresh my memory. 1. How much DEX is equal to one evasion point? Critical Rate? Accuracy? 2. How much VIT is required for one physical defense point? 3. What classes use WIS anyways? 4. Would a fighter that went pure DEX have good evasion? How much at level 105 approximately? 5. Which is better Rune Impact or Fearful Blow? 6. Which is better Templar Master or Blade Taker? 7. Are there any Grandmasters out there at all anymore? If so why are they so rare? Thanks for the help.
  13. Item Name: Experience Scroll 100% Tooltip: Shows 1 hour, which is true, however the tooltip shows 24 hours >.>.
  14. Higher level potions that restore 2000 - 3000HP.
  15. Alright so I guess most of the community doesn't feel the same way, I guess I need to find a way to manage it on my own. You can lock this if you want.
  16. A link to a guide would be helpful.
  17. Dat feel when you can level to 105 but are too lazy to and never actually get around to it and then be like "I could've leveled yesterday.." and then you think about leveling again and you're just all "nah I have other things to do" when you really have nothing to do. My life in one run-on sentence.
  18. Not sure if bored, or lonely.

  19. Reinstall Celestia Luna and turn off your anti-virus. It appears some files are corrupted.
  20. I see your point however those of us (me specifically) that always get to high levels such as 95 or even 100 for that matter are at a serious disadvantage because of the equipment. I'm going to go into a different matter and just say right now that crafting a full set of level 90 armor and a two handed level 90 sword is literally about 50m - 100m gold. I couldn't make that much from level 60 - 90!
  21. I just wanted to suggest the voting level be lowered to a feasible number. Level 120 is a bit too high and all the prices for item shop items are increasing dramatically. Pukerian Scrolls have increased from 400 million to 600 million - 700 million. That and the amount of time it takes to get to level 120 as well as the money you need to get to keep your items updated to keep you from dying. After level 75 money is a big contender on whether you can get to 120 or not. I remember before the wipe I had a character with as much as 100m only, just by selling 100% scrolls. I couldn't farm at Nera Harbor because my equipment was too weak and the prices were so high. However the more scrolls I sold, the more gold I had and I was able to effectively farm in NH. All because of the gold. I know the administrators said that vote points don't help the server in any way. This is true but I cannot donate for I don't have the money nor the permission to. How else am I going to be able to keep up with the rising prices other than painstakingly grind at Ghost Tree Swamp from level 88 - 94 getting 100k per kill. Plus potions is 1 million "tax" every time you run out of potions. So yeah I think the vote level should be lowered to at most 100 or 105. I just want to hear feedback from the community and the administrative group on whether this may or may not be possible. Thanks.
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