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Everything posted by alvian

  1. its not handy to make a 100 price item for 7d as perma map for XX GP/PP. some1 can teleport from website to alker , then buy another map? so the PP and GP can be used to another item? Also, are the item "free" from tasartia, i mean exp, nostrum, philo stone, material, enchant scroll, will be still there after update? If no, i want to make a new char and fill it with all that item :p
  2. Give it away would looks like a better thing if you give it to tasartia / throw away it. So : there is no other 'ungrateful' people who will sell your event item for a money :p *joke*
  3. alvian

    Bugged Skills?

    The type of bugged lv21 earthquake is : you still get that dmge addition and % stun addition, but YOU NEED TO CLICK on TARGET .
  4. agree too.. and make a rare drop (dont have to be a equipment, like component that have a good thing when crafted) + exp scroll like 10% maybe? hahaha would be very interesting , especially to reach howling cave 2F. how about make a 3F too xD , where the last boss have 10x normal boss HP. and have holy barrier that maybe annoying
  5. Add haunted mine to be available at map7d. Make a special map (like PvP tournament) where all things changed : 1. The HP capasity grow significantly example from 15k to 80 k (so we can't die easily). 2. The damage is a bit fixed and get lowered or somehow ?
  6. alvian

    Ask About Sm Human

    Just do : dont care about how many % it add. kill other monster/player with your crit xD. you can search a topic about crit damage in this section. you will find it where Orange explain it
  7. alvian

    Ask About Sm Human

    I dunno if its same with INT or no, but in my experience, (without buff) 20.3 int gemini better than 18.3 ma. Then i buff my self (increase %), the ma gemini do better addition. Conclusion : more attack % u have, the pa give more better . And dex. I read it somewhere, its hard to explain the algorithm. Just do it.
  8. @mao : magic damage is crazy at "original". You can deal 100k to player without nerf the damage instead of 2k. Double is not that powerful to make from 2k to 4k. But i think its not fair now. But its better to add more magic damage , i mean varying it with matk. So people will try to buy int/matk item too. @seraphyre : how many damage you deal with 16k matk to other person? Crit damage.
  9. Empat tahun berlalu, Negara api menyerang dengan imutnya, hingga membuat diriku terpesona. Diantara hujan serangan api yang membakar IFYKWIMku dan juga celanaku hingga membakar kebanggaanku, aku melihat sekelebat pasukan yang berkeliaran. Mereka bersenjatakan pistol. Aku berlindung di sebuah desa terpencil bernama Desa Serigala Jadi2an. Di tempat ini, kutemukan pedang Excalibur. Namun ternyata pedangnya adalah tusuk gigi. Sejenak ku terdiam. "Kenapa tusuk gigi?" ternyata itu hanya khayalanku saja. Aku genggam Excalibur yang merupakan senjata pusaka dari kerajaan Majapahit dengan eratnya sehingga Toblerone-ku terjatuh. Kemudian ditemukan oleh Pendekar muda bernama RoronoaZoro. Kami berdua berusaha untuk menyelamatkan Konohagakure dari ancaman Organisasi Ninja Pelarian "Akatsuki". Ternyata mereka sangat unyu seperti cherrybelle. Dengan terpaksa kami meminta bantuan kepada JKT48. Akhirnya setelah pertempuran itu berakhir, Akatsuki memutuskan untuk mundur, karena itu kamipun pulang kampung. Bersama ayam rebus, siomay, sate dan es-krim, kami merayakan pesta jelangkung bersama Angel dkk dihutan. Namun tiba-tiba muncul orang tua Angel yang meminta kami untuk segera pulang ke rumah tercinta. Setibanya di rumah Angel, Pororo menyambut mereka dengan membawakan cookies. Angel memeluk Pororo dengan eratnya sampai akhirnya Angel melepaskan Kentut bau singkong yang membuat pororo semakin sayang Angel, lalu semua itu menjadi tak terlupakan seiring dengan datangnya Andhika si pemburu ikan dengan membawa alat pancingnya yang bergambar hello kitty
  10. I believe its not because cheap at all (yes its cheap than a INT one, but its still have a high price in some item), i think its because the damage of magic skill is crap here.. They go vit because they know they cant do much with INT . And , correct me if im wrong, but i think its just silence "magic" which almost of "magic skill" is crap (except the DoT). It means physical attack like sonic boom still can kill RM. And i read it somewhere that there is a "magic skill" that cant be disabled by silence. The Spear from necromancer. And almost at high level around 130+, i bet no one fighter/rogue lose in PVP when dueling mage that dont have DoT.
  11. I think nawskin better (for farmer type) And you don't need reskill/restat if you play n allocate the skill, wisely
  12. A friend tell me that he can OHKO treant with single mag.attack like 100k or more in gpotato. In this server we do 10k at crit, its good. No problem, its balance and acceptable. But not with the dueling other player x_x in other way, we can say that going full INT / ma is waste of time to fight other player. Its looks like a bit tragedy on my mind , where MAGE not use INT. Or MAGE become 100% tanker. Its fighter job anyway. Mage is about casting spell. Or this is another suggestion : (i'm not sure with this, i just read them from others) How about varying the damage of magic skill based on matk? Its not good to see how can lvl 105 deal just around 2k to player with or without that INT equipment?
  13. okay i will try to agree with that. thanks anyway. even i cant think a way with my SA how to kill other person x_X really weak even i have 16k matk
  14. Take note that the DD won't be reset if you still at the DD room at the time it reset
  15. Assume the normal damage from single magic attack is around 2k to same level, (not crit, because crit isn't always appear). And i think almost fighter have minimum 10k+ HP. I know the magic damage is crazy naturally. If we compared about divine sword and burning crash, the DS just deal 2k, and BurningCrash can deal 10k-30k+ (up to 60k with edit item = 1hit) and almost of them near 100% chance to crit (not including block rate of course)? Mage skill take time to cast, and fighter skill (especially rune impact) is instant. Fighter/rogue can OneHitKO others IF they hit 1st. But mage not. I think its imbalance? What do you think? And its why a lot of mage go cardinal/necromancer just for DoT skill (at war). Other mage job can't have a lot of fun with that. Basically, mage cast magic skill to attack as main, not doing DoT. And hey seraphyre, i think the DoT is what most player fear of. Than a mage's normal skill/stun. Correct me if i'm wrong, but i bet you get screwed by mage DoT not from others magic skill.
  16. Suggestion : How about increase the magic damage skill (to player, not to monster)? At least 2x, from the damage now. Generally, Its boring to see GM and SA as "last-picked" mage job. Because the player know, the magic damage is nerfed on this server now. And that class, isn't effective at GuildWar at all (c'mon everyone want to kill, not just healing or disabling). I just get nervous when fighter can do 30k+ damage but not with normal magic skill.
  17. alvian

    Cardi Or Sa

    SA if you think you have a lot of HP capasity, to tank that DoT+stun maybe. Its only SA who can deal 5k damage to same lvl other job. with a normal single magic, with bit high level equipment (its my favorite mage job, full int now, not resetting yet). If no, then choose cardi, because i think cardi have stun + great HolyTaker.
  18. alvian

    Ask About Sm Human

    Try to make your HP 13-15k+, to "survive" from one hit fearful blow/rune impact maybe. Or just keep what you have now, and keep leveling
  19. alvian

    Ask About Sm Human

    1. Its tooltip error. its happen on others too, e.g. : Burning Crash, Hunter Blast. 2. Its good. really. But your HP ??
  20. Disuatu malam gelap, disertai angin badai dia datang menghampiriku. Dalam keadaan basah kuyup, dia berkata kepadaku bahwa dia akan merantau keluar negeri. dan untuk mengucapkan selamat datang di Blueland. Seketika aku menangis menerima kenyataan ini dan aku pun makan dorayaki coklat, menunggu senyuman lama yg tak terlupakan.. Kemudian dia pergi dan tak kembali. Empat tahun berlalu, Negara api menyerang dengan imutnya, hingga membuat diriku terpesona. Diantara hujan serangan api yang membakar IFYKWIMku dan juga celanaku hingga membakar kebanggaanku, aku melihat sekelebat pasukan yang berkeliaran. Mereka bersenjatakan pistol. Aku berlindung di sebuah desa terpencil bernama Desa Serigala Jadi2an. Di tempat ini, kutemukan pedang Excalibur. Namun ternyata pedangnya adalah tusuk gigi. Sejenak ku terdiam. "Kenapa tusuk gigi?" ternyata itu hanya khayalanku saja. Aku genggam Excalibur yang merupakan senjata pusaka dari kerajaan Majapahit dengan eratnya sehingga Toblerone-ku terjatuh. Kemudian ditemukan oleh Pendekar muda bernama RoronoaZoro. Kami berdua berusaha untuk menyelamatkan Konohagakure dari ancaman Organisasi Ninja Pelarian "Akatsuki". Ternyata mereka sangat unyu seperti cherrybelle. Dengan terpaksa kami meminta bantuan kepada JKT48. Akhirnya setelah pertempuran itu berakhir, Akatsuki memutuskan untuk mundur, karena itu kamipun pulang kampung. Bersama ayam rebus, siomay, sate dan es-krim, kami merayakan pesta jelangkung bersama Angel dkk dihutan. Namun tiba-tiba muncul orang tua Angel yang meminta kami untuk segera pulang ke rumah tercinta. Setibanya di rumah Angel, Pororo menyambut mereka dengan membawakan cookies. Angel memeluk Pororo dengan eratnya sampaiakhirnya Angel melepaskan Kentut bau singkong
  21. Cmon its not that hard.. If you deal 10k damage before , you just lose 60 damage from 0.6%. ?
  22. How about add philo effect "casting speed"? Maybe around 0.1-2.5% ? I know its hard to change the % random effect, just an advice :D would be nice
  23. your char need to be online before 12.00am until it pass, then your DD will be reset. It will reset again at 3.00 am server time too. (or 4.00am, dunno) and its automatic (you dont need to get this reset) thx
  24. I think game can manage to perform something so everyone get reskilled/restat automatically, so it doesn't necessary to give out reskill+restat maybe :p
  25. The really cheapest one with those two is 1.3 b.
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