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Everything posted by Soigne

  1. Soigne

    Now Playing???

  2. No? I would turn into Kirby. watutrysayboutme
  3. Mornings. I wish I could of been born and raised as a morning person. Sun, Sun, go away. Come again another day.
  4. One. Please. Don't keep spamming and bumping a thread that nobody else is currently posting on in order to get 'posts'. Two. How did you miss the big red text? The Forum Games and Rant section have it in red text that those two sections do not give you post counts. Sorry! @ theBoxC - Then yeah! Game is probably slowing down like a lot of others ones because of the flood of school starting up.
  5. Ah... Welcome! I hope you enjoy the forums and the game.
  6. Well.. A lot of the players in-game most likely don't use forums and if they do, they probably ignore the off topic section. It's not as active as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's unnoticed. I check every day just to see if anything's going on. Edit: Just noticed that you probably meant in-game(?). Might be because school is starting up pretty soon. Early preperations.
  7. Soigne

    Someone play Osu

    @Running - It's a Rhythm Game! You can download things called 'beatmaps' which are songs that you can play in four different modes. It's pretty fun and/or good for wasting time. I play it every now and then, but not a lot. Most of the time I play Osu!Mania even though I just recently started it which means I am terrible.
  8. After spending a good twenty minutes looking around on google images, I can agree with the two posts above. This is most likely random fan art or an original character. This isn't from an anime nor is it anyone by name. It looks close to Momiji Inubashiri from Touhou or a 'Neko' Gumi from Vocaloid.
  9. Depends on the mood your local Soigne is in and her whereabouts. As somebody who travels between two households quite often, my music varies on my location a lot. My mom is a soft - pop lover which will lead me into the instrumental and softer kind of music. My dad is more of a hardcore - metal/rock junkie, so I'll be listening to anything that you might consider 'hard'. So I guess I can say I like Hard Rock Music? Even if I listen to Trap, House, and Instrumentals mostly.
  10. Bonjour! As a fellow Windows 8 victim who isn't good with tech, I can feel a smidge of your pain. Most of my games don't have good Windows 8 compatibility so it's pretty difficult and rage inducing. But I'm not going to 'upgrade' to Windows 7 since Windows 10 is out. I'll be saying Hasta la Vista to Windows 8 as soon as compatibility issues are fixed. But on the topic of Celestia Luna, I've never run into any compatibility problems. Enough of my rambling. Have you ever tried to change the compatibility settings for the game .exe? I know that it works for a few games while it may not work for other games. I just tested out Celestia to see if it still worked after changing the settings and it still ran normally. All you have to do is right click your client, go to properties, compatibility, and change the settings you want it to run on. Might not work but it's my only suggestion for now! Hopefully you can get Windows 7 or someone can provide more information.
  11. Ciao! I hope that you have fun with anything that you have to do while you leave. We'll be waiting for you.
  12. DD alt disconnecting in the middle of it. ; v ; Oh how I love it.
  13. My 'good' luck. CL disconnecting me here and there. If it's not internet, then it's because my client goes not responding and force closes. Same applies to other games I've been trying to occupy myself with. ; v ; Thanks.
  14. Defiance cliff hangers. Fuuuuuuuu
  15. All my friends are asleep or busy.
  16. Being the last one to get food in a family of five (including you).
  17. :T Learnign that I am too much of a chatterbox when I am exhausted, compared to when I am awake.
  18. Soigne

    Now Playing???

    Desu Desu Oh my god, I am laughing too hard. Am I this tired to find it this hilarious?
  19. I can only think of one. LOL OT : LOOOL. I would never be able to survive with a sibling. In this case, I'd probably be the one raging, though. The only lego's I ever got were the actual blocks. Lets just say, it didn't last long. My mom and dad weren't too happy when they stepped on them, seeing as I didn't enjoy cleaning and sweeped them under the bed if I was told to. Back when I was a kid, I actually had one of the GTA's from 2002, I believe. My parents didn't worry about it, because the only thing I ever did was ride my bike around town for hours. I had the best gaming experience by doing nothing! I loved playing Tony Hawk games and was practically obsessed with it. I tried to skate on a friends board, never again. AND. Ecco. The. Effing. Dolphin. 'Of the future'. I would rent that game so much instead of buy it, but I would always get scared. There was a part, I believe, where you had to 'fight' a shark. It scared the beejebus out of me.
  20. Looking at Cartoon Network. Where'd all my favorite shows go?
  21. Never seen it, but now I am curious. The panic felt as you are unable to recall where you put your phone AND your phone charger.
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