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Posts posted by Calamity

  1. 10 hours ago, LuxiHakala said:

    Hola a todos, soy Luxi Hakala, mejor conocida en el juego como Luxiius :D

    yo me uní al juego porque amaba el Luna Plus, ahí había llegado hasta lvl 68 hasta que resetearon el juego para hacer Luna Max :B fue muy triste

    Y hace un mes me entere que existía el Celestia Luna y me volvió mi vicio...pero tengo unas preguntas preguntosas...borraron todas estas cosas??

    -Vehículos (o monturas), siempre habían y era más rápido desplazarte por el mapa con esos...pero ya no hay?? o son dificiles de conseguir??

    -Qué pasó con la torre esa que estaba en Moon Blind Swamp en la que entrabas con montones de personas para matar un monton de bichos y al jefe final?? borraron tambien esa torre??

    -Ya no esta la tienda esa que sabia estar en Alker Harbor donde la gente ponia cachivaches para vender y que solian ser más baratas que las tiendas personales donde te arrancan un riñón por una sola prenda de un traje??

    -Qué pasó ahora con el tema de las tiendas personales y los pk?? antes las tiendas podian ponerse en cualquier lado, ahora tenes que estar si o si en Nera's Castle para vender...y el PK no lo puedo usar en ningun lado, yo lo he visto usar en el Luna Plus en Zakandia o en Moon Blind Forest, pero ahora no lo puedo activar en ningun lado D:

    Esas son mis quejas de lo que le falta a este juego, deberian los creadores considerar volver a agregar esas cosas :P extraño conectarme a las 9 de la noche para levelear en la torre...

    PD: si quieren agregarme, salgo como Luxiius, soy un elfo scout de lvl 59 (o 58, no me acuerdo xD) y necesito guild en español XD

    Sorry, I do not speak Spanish and I just wanna make things clear, this is not a Luna+ server. It still implements the classic Luna system.

    1st point: We don't have any vehicles/mounts it here till now because (read my first sentence in bold). It's possible to have them in the future though.

    2nd point: Tower of Magic in Moon Blind Swamp only appears in Luna+. Read my first sentence in bold.

    3rd point: I don't know which shop you're referring to.

    4th point: The game was modified so that Nera Castle is the only map where you can create a vending booth. You can only activate PK in dungeons, can't be used in safe maps like Alker Harbor and Nera Castle.

  2. 1 hour ago, adityaxz said:

    Cn u Help me my account get hacked

    ID : adityaxzx

    Iknow all things of my account

    i think they already sell my item

    <shoutbot> User adityaxzx is not banned

    If you got hacked and want to recover your account, you can start by submitting a ticket here: 

    Unfortunately, you can't retrieve your stolen items back, so you need to repurchase them.

  3. 2 hours ago, jokerjoker said:

    i think we need new weapon for crusader, as for now crusader only have 3 choice of weapon

    the first is Athena(mace) lvl 80++ weapon, the level just too low

    the other is Medusa(staff) lvl 100++ weapon, the problem is crusader skill require mace and if we use staff we wont get def from mace protection (if you suggest using mace for buff then change it again to staff, it was not good idea since aura buff just last 2min and we still didnt get mace protection)

    the last is crafting your own weapon, but if im not mistaken the chance getting int craft is pretty low(don't know if this rate in crafting was same with this server)

    Strength = 30%
    Intelligence = 5%
    Dexterity = 25%
    Wisdom = 5%
    Vitality = 35%

    if possible make new rare weapon especially mace level 100++ with MA as high as medusa with/without its ma% bonus or change int bonus rate in mace crafting and add more MA for normal mace(?)

    You can craft maces though using molds though or you can do private donation to get better mace weapon with imba stats.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Lightbringer said:
    I need a reply please leave the moon 5 years ago and today I want to return but I find that I do not remember my pw but if I have my id and my email when trying to recover pw I do not get the pw to my mail what should I do?

    You need to click on the link provided in the email sent to you, they will not give a password to give you access in.

    If you have requested the reset, have you checked all of your recent emails in your email account? If you haven't received it, retry the same procedure.


  5. 4 hours ago, FistoFighter21 said:

    halo, kalau mau sekaligus numpang curhat disini enggak apa-apakan? :D

    kayaknya sih udah sekitar beberapa bulan dah ninggalin gamenya, liat gamenya di library steam jadi kangen buat main lagi.

    dari dulu sih udah sempet nyari kesana kemari guide guide di forum tapi tetep g ngerti dan statsku acak banget saking polosnya main semenjak 2 tahun-an kwwkwk

      Reveal hidden contents


    kira-kira guide yg pas buat charku apa yak?? :hmpf: tipe PvE.


    Jujur aja nih, stat kamu memang acak. Cukup fokus di 1 (STR/VIT/DEX/INT, WIS tidak perlu) atau 2 stat aja (contoh: STR/VIT, STR/DEX, INT/VIT), sayang stat pointnya.

    Dari screenshot sih karena kamu ambil Fighter->Warrior->Infantry->Knight selanjutnya mending ambil Magnus.

  6. That doesn't solve the unfairness. If what @Sky_Light12 said earlier (the bolded words) is implemented, the fist-users are too imba at any given level. 

    8 hours ago, Sky_Light12 said:

    i'd say barefist capable hits very faster than even dagger and considering high level characters usually has super strength and with martial combats , they may temporarily stop foes attack using weapon ( forcing them go barehanded to attack or even use skills )


  7. If you forgot your password, click on "Having trouble with your account?" to proceed with password reset by entering your username and registered email. Check your email inbox afterwards and click on the link to verify your request.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Sky_Light12 said:

    i would consider crossbows can be used for one-hand if it were available

    as for spears , this is advantages for real life :

    1. hit harder
    2. longer reach
    3. incredibly fast
    4. extremely effective on highly masses battle
    5. more effective at mounted combat and penetrating armor
    6. natural weakness aganist horse riders


    i'd say barefist capable hits very faster than even dagger and considering high level characters usually has super strength and with martial combats , they may temporarily stop foes attack using weapon ( forcing them go barehanded to attack or even use skills ) . the only mobs i know for capable martial arts is " Fighter of the wind "

    On second thought, I think I missed some points there. Your reasoning has a point though, since spears are known for its quick thrust so if implemented, its set effect would be an increase to the attack speed and could we possibly throw them? That way would be cooler.

    You might be referring to the skill a fist-user class could learn. If the stopping ability comes from the fist equipment itself, it's unfair to others.

  9. Well, you should have posted these ideas in the suggestion. My thoughts:

    Crossbows are possible but I doubt it cuz there are already two ranged weapons, bow and musket. Yet the class who can use muskets (Panzer) are still bugged till now.

    Spears are not really necessary since it works like a 2-handed sword (you need to hold it with both hands) and we've got 4 types of melee weapons so far.

    Fists could be the worst of all equips cuz I would assume that you won't be able to use shield, you fight using both hands with little defense (kinda like Destroyer)

  10. 53 minutes ago, Orange said:

    Sorry I don't understand the question, firearms molds only have 1 option per gun, which was boosted to 75% from 30% in a recent patch.

    Are you asking why there is no 30% option with half the materials like in other recipes?

    Sorry for the confusion but when you wanna make the Rune Carving Mold for weapons, there are two choices to craft it: one with 70% success rate and the other 30%.

    I realize that every weapon mold has both option (70 and 30) but the firearm mold has only the 30% option. Don't know if you erase it by mistake or it was meant to be like that.


  11. 5 hours ago, adityaxz said:

    I think we need a authentication / authorization if someone wanna change the email or the password of our id, so if the player got hacced account that not GM or Staff Problem Again coz Its already get authentication / authorization from the email that he use.

    Now in the website if someone change the email or the password the owner will never know, and its make so many account Got haccked, if we already make the authentication / authorization, GM or Staff its not your responsibility again, and u can delete fiture recorver account if got hackked 


    Thanks ^^ 

    Yeah, I see the flaw here. If you happen to know that someone's password and all you have to do is changing the email address, got it verified and then proceed with the reset password.

    But it's not always the staffs' responsibility. What's the reason people got hacked?

    1. Password is easy to guess

    2. They've shared their account information with others

    You as the owner of the ID should have known the consequences of sharing account information, which the staffs have told all of us a thousand times.

    Yet, I think the account settings should have security questions or phone number verification, just a suggestion to the staffs :) @Orange

  12. 18 hours ago, CorpZ said:

    saya udh main ini ikutin guide job entrapper tapi kalo masalah equip nya gimana ya? maaf newbie

    kalau masalah equip sih tidak usah yang imba, cukup:

    Equip: Advanced Knife+7/+12, Gardener's Set, Kynee, Flick x2, Hathor Set, Necklace of Living Body, KOD Cloak, Crit Slime, STR Glasses, 

    Costume: BWL, Bachelor p.a, Panda boots, Panda gloves


    kalau sudah ada cukup gold buat equip yang lebih bagus:

    Advanced Knife+13, Gardener Armor+Boots, Vestige set, Tarintus helm, Gemini x2, Hathor Set, KOD Cloak, Crit Slime, STR Glasses


  13. 4 hours ago, adityaxz said:

    I think we all the player is hard to contacting Staff or GM, and i think we should have a CM( COmmunicator Maneger) The someone who can contacting GM or Staff and the someone who can We ( Player) contact without take so long respond 

    Thanks ^^ 

    From The player never get respond ^^

    @Orange and @Seraphyre are easy to contact though. You have to know that they do have other busy things to do so there's a need to wait for a little while.

    Whether they decide to reply or not depends on your question to the staffs. Such like repetitive messages asking to be unbanned will obviously be ignored.

    IMO, the closest thing to what you're suggesting for is the Live Chat system.

  14. 38 minutes ago, amarcell said:

    I lowering it to 1200 x 960 and it turn out strangely in my laptop, because my recommendation is high :o , but I used to using the recommend but still using 800 x 600 its strange

    Bolded: Exactly. Due to your high recommended resolution size, your screen is somewhat looked like it has been zoomed in when you change to lower sizes.

    But did my suggestion help you to solve the problem you mentioned earlier?

    10 hours ago, amarcell said:

    I have some problem about my resolution usually 800x600 give me bigger screen but right now its give me small screen


  15. 1 hour ago, amarcell said:

    I'm using recommended size its 3840x2160, and I try changing it , it just turn so strange and big in my laptop

    I think I've found your problem. The client's max resolution size is 2560x1600 whereas the size you're using is 3840x2160, no wonder your client window was so small to see. Try lowering your screen resolution (ex: 1200x960/1024x780) and set your client window size to 800x600.

  16. 3 hours ago, amarcell said:

    I have some problem about my resolution usually 800x600 give me bigger screen but right now its give me small screen, and I'm trying to use the bigger resolution but the text box just so small that I cant even see it , can you have the solution about this

    Have you tried resetting your screen resolution to the "recommended" size? I'm not an IT person but I think computers that are using higher resolution than the default size will make the screen wider but with smaller text size. I tried changing my desktop size from 1200x800 to 2560x1600 and run the client, the game was running fine but the text size is so small I have to use a magnifying glass like you said. :D

    • Upvote 1
  17. 10 hours ago, IceLady said:

    levelku dibawah golemnya.. cuma blm pernah dapet Ko Vin, yg harpy juga gitu, kalo ditotal sih harusnya udah lebih dari 100x dan kalo mau beli kan harganya tinggi banget utk 1 egg.. btw pet yg dr egg sama pet cherry, kiwi, grape, orange itu sama aja atau ada perbedaannya?

    There's no difference in stats of each available pet, what differs them is their appearance, that's all. 

    6 hours ago, IceLady said:

    yeah, I've do that twice from level 30-60 killing harpy and red harpy, and move to golem, but still got nothing.. 1/100 player maybe? hahaha.. I've killed millions and going kinda frustrated with egg. I also confused that balloon pet (cherry, grape, kiwi, orange) always died  :32: 

    Pets could die if you let your bond level decreased to 0 or when you have just been attacked by monsters and died. You need to feed them in case the bond level is already low or use revival pet food to bring them back to life.

  18. It's all about luck. You must also consider the difference between level of yours and of the monsters, either at yellow (-5lv/+5lv difference) /green (+6lv onwards). Mathematically, 1% drop rate would mean in 100 tries, you could get one egg. In this game, the calculation may differ.

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