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Everything posted by Fifin

  1. Fifin

    Old account

    have u tried the revamped crusader then? :O
  2. just tested it. Curse weakness' reducing basic status is not working on monsters. if there is any stat reducing as the skill description said, maybe all it reduce is only accuracy and evasion rate, couldn't test it. and it also does not reduce target's critical rate to 0 nor target's movement speed. (the description said it reduces it)
  3. cuma perlu diingat, itu skill melee... sedangkan AR atau wanderer itu class jarak jauh yg notabene defnya kecil... jadi ketika nge deket, bener2 besar resikonya untuk mati
  4. hmm... aq bisa ni masuk alker, langsung close program gimana? client nya crash kah?
  5. Kalo cuma patch aja yg mncul, kemungkinan file .exe nya si Luna dimasukin Quarantine sama antivirus kamu. Atau makah dihapusnya. coba masukin folder CL kedalem exception list biar antivirus nggk ngutak atik folder itu trus... D3derr_invalid_call nya biasanya muncul saat apa? Saat ada promt ketika akan membuka aplikasi lain?(termasuk mau dual login) atau random timing?
  6. Have u tried to log in after your reinstallation? also try to delete "celestiapatch" file from CL folder and re patch. what about other ID? If same thing happened, it might be your client problem, else something is really wrong with your account. Pray ask further assistance by contacting Admins.
  7. Fifin


    kalo punya partner buat leveling di 105++ sih lebih enak paladin, kalo magnus 1h itu block rate nya kalah sama paladin, tapi seenggaknya bisa dibuat mix str biar ga jadi samsak pukul kalo di war/duel. magnus 1h itu def nya besar, tapi block ratenya ga sebesar paladin. Tapi yg paling bikin perbedaan itu di jarak serangnya saat PVP. Paladin itu hanya bisa di jarak yg bner2 deket. SB yg di dapet dari Rune Knight cuma lvl 20, nggk terlalu ada damagenya, sedangkan magnus punya level 25 dan ada double sonic blast. dan satu lagi. Magnus punya holy barrier, sedangkan paladin ga punya. Kesimpulannya, magnus lebih ada serangan(dengan bayaran block rate kecil), jarak lebih jauh, dan punya barrier, kalo di war, magnus sedikit lebih berperan. dan Paladin itu bener2 samsak! tapi ketika ketemu musuh mage, yah selamat jalan~ Pathnya yg umum untuk magnus 1h, warrior-swordman-phalanx-magnus atau warrior-infantryman-knight-magnus (ini path 2h, lebih ada serangan tapi block rate kecil) kalo Paladin warrior-infantryman-Rune Knight-Paladin
  8. Fifin


    Kalo magnus 1h, buat pvp, duel bagus, soalnya dia ada block, sedangkan kurang bagus dipake farming karena kurangnya skill AoE kalo magnus 2h, lbih enak buat farming karena punya banyak skill AoE, dipake duel, pvp masih kalah kalo dibandingkan sama magnus 1h paladin 1h itu job tanker, tapi hampir mirip magnus kalo dipake 2h untuk farming,
  9. about malware detected, it's a false warning, you can include Celestia Luna to your antivirus exeption list. Maybe something gone wrong with your CL files, either corrupted or quaranteed by your antivirus. when you use teleport feature on the website, you have to logout first. Did you do that? oh and... probably it's your network connection? You made 2 topics by accident I guess..
  10. in my mage chars, with 15k max mp (fully buffed), it saps like 10k-ish and left only 4k or something while I strips all MP and wisdom gears, buffs, and use curse on her, she only have 3ksomething max MP, and Mana burn does burn about 2k of it, left only 9xx MP on my char. So generally it saps away like 60-70% of your max MP pool
  11. just tried Mana burn to my mage, it actually saps away like 60%ish of my max MP. And if it comes to "drain MP" it still bugged, because it doesn't burn any MP but reducing the max MP. idk what would happen if you target warrior with this skill. A warrior without max MP passive.
  12. same thing happen with binding skill, but different with stun. when you cast a stunning skill, the stun itself have a level and duration. only the higher level or longer duration counts. while the lower lever or less duration will be ignored somehow. Example when you stunned someone with lvl 15 Lightning Stun. Then some other random people stun the same one with lvl 1 Shield of Justice, the target may have stars in his head, but only lvl 15 Lightning Stun's stun count. No matter how many times this guy or other guy with SoJ stun him, his SoJ's stun is useless, while the Lightning Stun effect runs out he will be able to move, use skill, attack, anything. But when he got stunned again by another lvl 15 Lightning Stun (or something with longer duration) he will be stunned. (In case you use lvl 25 Blunt Shield on him, Blunt Shield's stun is the only one that will be effective.
  13. Orng yg punya 300 eva bisa juga di hit dgn strike 279 an,, cuma masih ada kmungkinan miss aja.. klo mw aman ya diatas eva itu strikenya
  14. 6.2 sec stun and 5.0 sec cooldown with 98% chance on lvl 25
  15. I don't think spell barrier would affect %age of dot, heals, debuffs, and buff skills. It only affects normal matk skills. you will notice, sometimes when you are doing magic skills, you will only do half of original no-crit damage. That is a resisted spell. Spell barrier reduce the chance of this to occur
  16. IRC Name: Fifin Most used character name: Fifin Spoken Languages: English, Indonesian Age: 25 Time playing Luna Online: 6 yrs Time playing Celestia Luna: 6 yrs Never been a beta tester before Reason for joining Beta Testing Team: I wanted to join the team because I like this server, community, and I'd like to do something that can help the server like finding out bugs in the gameplay.
  17. ofc skills do more damage as you level them up ._. unless some of bugged skills
  18. str increase your RAW damage, Physical Attack status, Strike. dex increase your Crit Chance, Crit Rate, Evasion, Strike how much your crit damage is also affected by your raw damage too. in short, less raw damage = less crit damage but you can raise your crit damage further by increasing dex and putting crit damage items maybe you can get a same output of damage (while it crits) but when it doesn't crits, you will see a pretty huge different there. One more thing. Raw Patk damage is related to pdef (especially to the target's pdef with shield) the more patk you have, the more damage you can dealt to those shielder. So.. what jajiboge's saying about balancing str and dex is a great idea for phys. character
  19. I think it only gets annoying on low level since you change your monster every 2-3 lvl.. 1. nothing you can do about it, but to sell it 1 by 1.. or you can get a warehouse scroll and collects Odd powders and magical powders you get from monsters 2. me myself finds it difficult to get a new friends here, maybe you can try to join a guild first? 3. Listed below - 1-10 Gate of Alker (get some buff potion from Alice and maybe a map transfer scroll) 10-15/20 Ruins of Draconian (just find any mobs that have a yellow name on them) 15-20 Zakandia outpost (same as above) 20-29 Zakandia/Tarintus (same as above) 29-40 if you could handle Haunted Mine 1F its good. or go to Moon Blind Forest (29-34) then Moon Blind Swamp (34-40) 41-50 Way to howling Ravine if you could, mob some Basilisks, then kill giants as you start to level towards 44 or 45 50-60 Howling Ravine, if you could kill Cyclops, kill them until you can finish Wailing Cyclops, or find some other monster easier for you. At level 54 you can try to kill Rageful Cyclops (if you could do that) or you could kill magical giants and other giants. 60-70 Mont Blanc and Dryed Gazed Fall, proceed to Howling Cave after you get to 70 -- or -- 60-76 Howling Cave and find some Trolls to kill (remember to kill one with Yellow Names, it gives you full exp) 76-91 Valley of Fairy, kill some Plantis, Fierce Plantis, Pegasus, Kentauros, Pixies and Treants 91-105 you can find some party and go to Nera Harbor
  20. I think he was referring to healing amount.. DoT have static damage. While healing amount is affected by other things such as skill lv (you will see how much this basic amount on skill description), healer lv, int, and matk. I don't know about healing formula, but Heal amount = basic heal power + int + "x" where "x" is some formula related to matk and level I guess. because any additional point of int increases heal by same amount It would be something like that. Still cant find that "x" yet. So, as Cardinal, you will have lvl 25 great heal which have about 5k+ basic heal power. With a few int and matk you will have that 5k+ heal per 4-5seconds. While fast heal only have like 800-1000 heal power at lvl 20 (unable to open CL at this moment) with 0.x cooldown Commonly full vit cardinal will have about 200~400 additional heal power. Oh and about dot healing. It is what Antoni said. It does have a static heal amount not affected by anything but skill lvl
  21. Fifin

    Character Reporting?

    it was on the FAQ thread. you can see your post count under your profile picture <-------------------------- check "xx posts" located around here
  22. magnus only have lvl 5 dual wield expertise, which means.. he still have penalties.. as the table stated, you will still have -310 crit -26.42 patk and -30 evasion so yes. 2h is better than dual wielding because you will get a higher crit rate (in dual wielding you will have higher patk but slightly lower crit rate, which means you won't do much crit, and it makes your damage per minute less than 2h-ing)
  23. ada di bagian Assistance -> Technical Issue -> top 3 technical issue
  24. have you tried using 30vit [c] 30vit[p] armor, boots, glove (vit reinforcement on boots and HP reinforcement on armor) 30vit[p] 1handed weapon 30vit[p] kynee 30vit[p] hathors 30vit[p] hegemonic earrings 30vit[p] LB necklace (HP reinforcement) 15 15 15 % body costume shinigami glove 2/4 lizardman/kobold costume yellow butterfly wing tie on head / smart worm hibiscus and get inquirer path + soul arbiter Bless Vital buff
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