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† Clise †

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Everything posted by † Clise †

  1. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/forum/5-server-news/ That's where you will find any updates if any are made. We are not told the date of an update, or more importantly the major update.
  2. Do what I did. Shake things up yourself! Start events, make friends, make noise!, be loud!, talk with your local GM, let them know when you are playing, start playing with them!, Create a guild, Bloat about your guild!, Tell everyone "I am the best!", most importantly remember Celestia Luna is for fun, so Don't forget to have fun. Doing all of this, will make the game interesting again. Pick a fight, and don't be afraid to threaten the biggest dog in the yard either. A little drama makes an interesting T.V show. Learn to take criticism, try to stay away from people you don't like. If the car is not going fast enough, you push on the gas pedal right? It's a game, play the game. OT: The server is never going to wipe again. Celestia Luna is creating a second complete new server without PD edits, this new server will have regular EXP / Drop Rates. Try playing there when/if its released. That is similar to if the server got wiped.
  3. A game I just started playing just introduced a built-in bot feature. What is the world coming to.
  4. That's an old marketing trick to sell something that normally won't sell. Works great to. Scam's help the world go round, sorry to hear it happened though. Some people value profit over morality.
  5. Entrapper or TM, I like to use TM more. Level to around 120/130 then de-level to 105-ish to farm fast and easy. Carrying a warehouse scroll will help you store/sell 3 times the amount.
  6. † Clise †

    Game Update

    The update has not been released yet. Its still in development I guess you could say.
  7. Best method so far for a rogue! Stealth - Run - Nuke - Repeat.
  8. Someone running over and holding your hand only to realize that they mistook you for someone else. Then all your monkey friends are like "OOOOOOOO" and there is nothing you can do about it o. o
  9. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/22677-guild-storagebugged/?hl=%2Bguild+%2Bwarehouse#entry249820 Try using the search function next time, it would have taken you to this post where a player posted how to get items out of guild storage despite the fact that it is bugged. After using his method, try to not use the guild storage again until its fixed. If you can't find the correct post, try scrolling down a bit through the replies.
  10. Glad you decided to let it go. Watch out in your future wars and what not. Leveling up if your best defense from PVP bullies. good lucks.
  11. Sounds like someone wants some revenge lol. Just let it go, trust me it works out much better that way!
  12. Having a "No Fucks Given" type of day. Shaved off the sides of my head, going Mohawk for the rest of the year. Going to put white streaks in it soon when its longer.
  13. Hire mercenary players to fight on your behalf [100-500m]. Find players like Me to fight for free helps to. I hate bullies and deal breakers like that, I have no problem helping in your situation. Remember though, every war is a gamble. The risk is ALL on you. If they decide to break the "Guild War Rules", ta-da its legal and you can not do anything about it. I know the GM's might also help your guild in the war if you ask nicely. Maybe. P.s Adding racism to the mix, is never okay. Please, don't get yourself banned for something dumb like racism. Be the better person, hold your tongue and try to walk away from the situation. And never war without a back-up. Find a decent 140-150 player to just sit in your guild in-case of trouble. If you can. Or a decent Edited player. Some people Suck and need to cheat to win. Just laugh at there petty effort to win, because you know that they can not fight fair. Place a bounty on them helps. [1b to whoever kills _____] goes a long way.
  14. Come on Zohor make some gains! Hit the gym bruh.
  15. If you're to shy to approach them, just ask a friend to ask them for you. "Whats your opinion on ____?" It can be very awkward, when 2 Ex-friends drift apart, and you can't tell if they don't like you or if time just brought you apart. But, asking them is just going to put you 1 step closer to repairing a relationship, or creating a new one. That's why I try to reach out to people that may otherwise not like me. And see if I can still salvage a friend out of it.
  16. When you start playing a new game [SWTOR] and 1 hour into the game you trigger a large scale guild war, now many people do not like you. Welcome to a life as Clise.
  17. Now I feel like eating taco bell but I cant break my diet. No fast food ><
  18. The new Starwars Battlefront is going to be the highlight of my life.
  19. My motivation is on vacation. I can't do anything right now. :cry_con:
  20. Skill Calculator won't work for me anymore. You guys can still use it?
  21. Wish we had guild name change scrolls. or something. Feel like making a new guild.
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