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Everything posted by alvian

  1. please use search function. u will get instant answer instead just waiting for reply. if ur passive+items skills add a lot %atk/matk. then pa /ma item better. if no. then str/int item better
  2. alvian

    Dd Reset

    (really sorry for double post. maybe its my bad connection. thank you)
  3. alvian

    Dd Reset

    ps. now i know what the meanig of 20dd/day. i just think its 2 times reset all over the night not 20 reset xD. well its no difference in dd for high or low lvl. all char get it
  4. alvian

    Dd Reset

    umm hello. im not sure but its just 2 dd/day. not 20. based on server time. it will reset 2 times. 1st at 00.00am. (your char have to login before this time. login into game not at selection character. its just 1 char per id at same time). 2nd. at 04.00 server time (or 03.00 forget) its automatic reset for all character despite its login at that time or not(
  5. alvian

    Dear Gm

    umm just make it simple. (i think the ThreadStarter dont get what he want) can he report "scammer" with just provided info like "chat" on facebook?
  6. its bugged. if you use heal on others. they will DC in several minutes. (or maybe instant). If u keep do that. And someone report you. Its counted as bug abuse and your char can be banned.
  7. alvian

    Philo Question

    using that HIGHLY CONCENTRATED orichalcum/moonstone.
  8. Well i have to say that this "anomaly" is "normal" .. same with other server too.. Admin say its "make it harder", because its their "algorithm" . All monster from lvl 81-84 and 91-94 (if im not wrong) just act like that
  9. alvian

    Price Question.

    the price grow exponentially. for example. © 30 str. clean 1b. i the price for +5 until +10 str have no meaning. and let imagine +20 str 1.6b. +25 (5str addiion) maybe 3b. and +26 str maybe 4b.(1str addition) (dunno exactly. just give an analogy)
  10. im sure if u vending any item more tam 4b. the price will be changed to 4b. delete your celeslttiapatch. and run te patcher again
  11. umm if u mean Tank+DoT . yes its for pure vit necro. just focus on vit item. its hard if u decide to make tank+dps (in my mind its with vital explosion etc) but its fun to play in PvE. you can 1hit that ghost in tombstone in critical damage.
  12. soul arbiter is not good a lot for high end. its just for fun since SA have no high damage for PvP .
  13. gak. pake paypal. info lbh lnjut pm Orange d forum ini /game/ IRC (recommend)
  14. Yap. why sacrifice p.def and max hp JUST for 70% stun chance :3
  15. berserker belt. one cheaper than NAWSKIN if you think you will save it for RUN competition
  16. so i (no, i mean we players) will suggest to take monk instead sorc. LS still have 60% (cmiiw) and 7+ cooldown . while monk give you higher defence that will ao useful if u are full vit type
  17. yaa its true. and monk bishop is popular. but you have to know that necro lack of stun. the reason why you take sorc : Lightning stun the reason why monk : bless vital, armor link, fortunate magic. you still can use blizzard. 95% chamce to freeze from all pat btw.
  18. for gvg. take bishop path. most of them go cleric monk bishop. for me. the important thing of bishop in gvg is that path have higher great heal. significantly. also.you dont need crit. you just poison your opponent. if u r aiming gvg. i suggest cletic sorc bishop necro.
  19. Personally, cardi VIT. Good def (not the best), can HEAL. have better MOVEMENT SPEED. Have AoE STUN. Have DoT (Holy Taker, fire blast and maybe Venom Cloud). Well. the best tank for every hit is Paladin of course. no doubt about it. BUT think about survivability for long time too. :D And think that you wont always get partner to defeat your mobs
  20. alvian


    token + phantasmal. vit+ms.
  21. kalo gitu PD dex aja. dex kan nambahin strike sama eva. 0.5$ per stat point kalo gk salah
  22. umm i have no problem if i bring hp pot 850. just DD and boom you are 75. predict where the 'magic monster' stand in dd room. (damp cavern) earthquake+swordstorm. (i think the monster dead because i can 1 hit them with decent equipment). (ruins/haunted) burning crash. change monster. sonicboom.change monster. burning crash again. i think u can 1 hit them if u +7 equip. +20+str at your armor+gloves. its better because you can increase your damage and survive better. remember you going phalanx just to make sure save from 1st hit.
  23. yaa. i recomend make 2 so you can compare both of them. BUT since i thnk you are new here. and have no lot of gold. try phalanx path 1st. i already make 2 of destro with knight and phalanx path. knight path is good IF you have decent equipment. but ts really cost a lot money. try to get BWL+crit slime 1st. then frankenstein for costume slot.
  24. go knight just for lvl15 sonic boom which have 100(in tooltip not real output) and lower cooldown. 0.3s if im not wrong. most people will go knight if they sure they can one hit ko opponent in battle. check my guide named 'alvian destro guidexperience'. not pro guide. but just sharing. one think about destro i like "better to have 99% chance to save from 1st hit because a lot people bet their 1st hit to one hit ko opponent."
  25. think before gain a lot PK point. for me 256 pk point is enough. its so many time i have my farmer delevel to 99 and by accident. the AdvancedKnife i wear changed to NH weapon. hard then to go 103. -5 pk point every 30mins. all maps i think. not sure if afking at moon blind swamp will have higher rate
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