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Hj Kempet

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Everything posted by Hj Kempet

  1. coba lihat di file celestia luna online alphanya, mungkin ga ada lunaclient.exe. kalau tidak ada coba install ulang dan matikan semua antivirus selama instal ulang game
  2. Hj Kempet

    Question! :d

    if austere you just stay on same channel and wait him respawn :D when you waiting, kill all mobs on that area like ghost iquirer, ghost knight etc what are you looking for from austere ? L.cape ? you must be patience !! when i get L.cape i kill more than 15 austere :D
  3. 1. marry with Maya septa (indonesian artist) 2. be a good person 3. i wish this game will survive till i get die xD
  4. i think range SB of magnus 18m too :D
  5. imbangin strike 350+ dan eva 300+ itu udah bagus, eq usahakan strike mix eva
  6. bisa kok asalkan kamu mage :D jadi gausah ngabisin SP buat earn beholdernya
  7. Hj Kempet

    Kangen Luna ^^

    coba install ulang lagi gamenya setelah di hapus antivirus :)
  8. SABAR ! :D GM pasti punya alasan tersendiri
  9. berhubung saya ga ada IRC saya mau tanya nih kenapa nih char temen saya di banned ? dia penasaran soalnya dia ngerasa ga ngelanggar aturan :D ID : sokoguru
  10. How price for L.cape Clean ? :) thanks
  11. is KSing get banned perm ? or temporary banned ? is harrasment banned perm or temporary ? thank's :)
  12. maybe you buy something but you dont know what you buy, it was an accident :) maybe
  13. boleh minta saran ? saya destro lvl 127, p.a minimal yang bagus berapa ya ? trus Critnya saya cuma 1060
  14. how normal price for force of fate? and what the effect
  15. maybe someone know your password and take it all ...
  16. Im sorry GM, i dont lie, i just say the truth, i dont know about that bug, but i just wanna ask, why you dont fix it ? Why you banned perm ? Why dont temporary ? Thanks gm for your attention, sorry for bad language :D
  17. hm i hope gm forgive me and fix that bug
  18. but i dont know if klik the return scroll that will bug :mellow: why dont temporary banned
  19. i'm sorry just want to ask, when i duel with other player i klik the return scrool and then i get out the box of duel,that was an accident, i dont know if i klik that the return scoll i will be out the box of duel. i get banned perm for that accident ? is it fair ? why GM dont fix the system ? thx my ID : Paster
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