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Everything posted by Calamity

  1. Calamity


    I'm so sorry. I was using my own judgment since Christmas and New Year's holidays are still 12 days ahead, I thought this promotion would end next month
  2. I have no problem downloading the installer directly from clicking that download button. Try opening this directly to download it automatically -> http://cdn.celestialuna.com/cl-setup-v1.6.exe
  3. Calamity


    Since it's a holiday donation promotion, it will last until the end of our holidays, probably in January.
  4. Calamity

    lupa password

    Setelah mengirim request ganti password, buka email kamu dan klik link yang tertera, dan ganti passwordmu.
  5. kalo seret perium mold:bow pasti keluar pilihan bownya, buat bikin moldnya bisa dari perium ore + material lainnya
  6. Flame bow bisa didapat dari 1. drop dari Sorrowful Lamia (pas masih lv82 ada drop, setelah update Lvlnya dinaikin jadi lv90, gak yakin kalau masih ada drop-an bownya. 2. craft pakai perium mold: bow
  7. Blade taker guide by Waytoosexy (link di spoiler): Guide by calista:
  8. Yes, like @Fifin said, Ogre Butchers do drop the Bloodstained Leather Armor. There's higher chance of dropping if you kill them in mobs (not sure though..) You'll be using a full Transcendent Set (obtainable from constructing karat diamonds), wearing elephant shield (dropped by Abyss Knight, Lv94 or bought from others for 100m) at Lv82 and a Take That Dude (dagger, obtainable from red lucky boxes) at Lv83, or use dagger dropped from monsters or you can craft it if you can't afford one. Other accesories: -Belt: Eternal Flame Belt for the time being. -Earrings: Flickering Magic Earring x2, or you can buy earrings from the merchant shops -Rings: Buy them from shops -Necklace: Bow tie from Salam boss, Dirty predator's trap from Railers boss (Red Orc Outpost) or buy them from shops As for the costumes, you can either wear any body costume with 15% hp/mp/moving speed/Kobold set/Crocodile set for the time being. Because when you've collected much gold, you will be using a Black Widow Leader Suit (costs 7.5b), a Bachelor Hat p.a (costs 9b), a Panda glove/boots (1.3b glove, 1.8b boots), and also a Slime Wearing Star Glasses (head accessory, 2b). Later at Lv104, you'll be using Advanced Knife and Aias shield and a Gardener's set at Lv105 (or craft the equipments).
  9. The server has been online since 2011, I don't think you're the first
  10. Click on "Account Settings" after logging in and input your current password and your new email address, leave the new password boxes blank. Check your email afterwards to get the email address verified.
  11. - Surveys are available if your preferences are matched with the company's. - So, let's say the survey is for a man, aged between 25-30 and has a family with at least one child. - If you fill out your identity as a 24-year-old man and still single, you won't be able to take that survey, because you aren't their target market. (That's what "no more surveys available mean). Some online survey websites have IP trackers, so if you have filled out your preferences/completed a survey, you'll no longer have access to that website. - There are no level requirements adjusted for buying gems. - There are no limits in buying/owning gems.
  12. Jujur saya juga kecewa karena sistem GP dihilangkan tapi lihat alasannya kenapa mereka tiba2 bisa ambil keputusan seperti ini tapi mau bagaimana lagi? Seperti yang @Orange bilang di announcementnya, sistem GP ini selalu disalahgunakan gak oleh beberapa pihak yang gak bertanggungjawab aja, tapi banyak banget, itupun bertahun-tahun lamanya. Mereka sudah naikkan level requirementnya sampai ke lv120 aja tetap disalahgunakan. Mereka pun mengakui kalau voting semacam ini tidak menguntungkan lagi bagi mereka, malah sebaliknya. Untuk sekarang memang harganya masih gak wajar karena harganya ikut harga Gems (dulunya PP), nanti lama-kelamaan akan ada penyesuaian harga lagi. Gak itu aja, @Orange dkk akan merencanakan ada event-event dan daily rewards, dan mungkin akan bisa menstabilkan harga pasar yang amburadul. Jangan patah semangat, kak.
  13. This one is different. You're not a booster in this case, you're a tanker like @Fifin said. This yields gold payment as well.
  14. Let's say a person is currently looking for a NH booster, it means that he/she is searching for someone (or possibly, a party) who would help him gain levels (idle leveling, I would say) by farming at Nera Harbor or if it's a Grave booster, the boosting takes place at the Graveyard. They will usually pay you in return or allow you to take all the items drop from the farming. When both parties have agreed, one will usually sit down (or possibly become a buffer) on the side of the battlefield while the other person is killing monsters until your goal has been achieved. Example in shouts: LF> Booster I'm currently at lv103, need 2 more levels to change my job. Pay golds LF> NH Booster, I'll pay 200m per level gained LF> NH Booster, you can take all the drops you've earned LF> Booster at Grave, I'm Lv113.
  15. <shoutbot> zhudbz is not banned What was appeared when you have inputted your ID/Password? And please don't do triple posts, you can just use the "Edit" option to add some points.
  16. ¿Ha comprobado el estado de su identificación? Lo más probable es que alguien hackeado en su cuenta y tomó todos sus artículos. Lo siento, estoy usando google translate. No hablo español.
  17. 1. Booster = A person who is willing to help another person/people to gain levels, they are usually willing to pay gold per level gained. 2. 3. You can't use a philo stone on Muskets for the time being. @Orange might fix this and the "Iron Night" skill in the next patch.
  18. "Couple of hours" means it would be done in between 2-3 hours, max 5 hours.
  19. 2. Nothing happens after I select the server in the server select menu: (Tidak terjadi apa2 setelah pilih server di menu pilih server) Jelas banget tertera di thread itu, kamu kalau ada masalah bahasa inggris bisa di google translate seluruhnya A. Add LUNAClient.exe (located in your game folder at "C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Celestia Luna Online\") to your antivirus' exception list (if you don't know how google it, it's different for each antivirus) Terjemahan: A. Tambahkan LUNAClient.exe (terdapat di dalam folder game kamu di "C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Celestia Luna Online\") ke dalam daftar pengecualian antivirus kamu (kalau kamu tidak tahu caranya, digoogle, karena berbeda-beda untuk tiap antivirus)
  20. Why would they bluff? They had enough with this GP system thing since people keep abusing to this day though they have changed the level requirement for voting and they are not benefitted by the system either.
  21. I noticed that we can still vote and the website has yet to change, is it delayed? You said the new website and the GP thing will be gone less than 24 hours since the time you posted the announcement.
  22. Tolong biasakan dicek forumnya dulu, karena masalah ini sudah sering terjadi. Solusi kamu yang nomor 2 di thread ini vvv
  23. Calamity


    Skill Healnya kamu drag ke shortcut 1-10 di bawah layar.
  24. Calamity


    pet skill ada level requirementnya, misalkan pet kamu lv10, kamu gak bisa equip skill pet untuk lv50.
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