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Everything posted by Orange

  1. Orange

    Sera&Heidy </3

    I enjoy your drawings but maybe you should do a whole topic with your album instead of many topics with a single picture, it kinda spams a little bit! Keep drawing and if your main source is traditional means and not digital painting I suggest you save up for a scanner ;o
  2. I can't promise anything but you were banned because you were all online at very similar times and we have more tracking than just IP, we can see everything about your account. So find out who of your friends did that advertising, maybe it was you!
  3. Orange

    I can't donate?

    I think you are the one who needs to "get his shit together" and calm down. Trash talking will not make you look better when you are trying to get help. Anyway all of the payments aren't handled by us, like Biohazard said, it's a third party that has been doing this for a long time and works with many many companies, they have payment methods for most countries and they have their security as well. Nevertheless, I will ask what's up. BTW there are buttons like you see in your screenshots called "Start an Inquiry", have you tried that?
  4. You were banned because you accessed your account from the same place as another account that was advertising another server
  5. When you talk to me in irc you will get updated information, it is Private after all
  6. Well PD is through direct paypal for many reasons and that's the only way at the moment, sorry
  7. Orange

    donation problem

    it can take up to two days to get premium points, just be patient
  8. Orange

    donation problem

    Are you sure the donation page said it would be 36 and not 18?
  9. Dont all caps topic titles please.
  10. Another summer is over and a new semester of fun and adventures has started, let this be the year Celestia Luna becomes even more awesome! While we work hard on a very anticipated update (check the forums regularly, the devs will need your help and suggestions!) we don't always have all the time we wanted. However, it's always better late than never so enjoy a long weekend experience event that you've been waiting for! And to make it even better a donation promotion will be held alongside! The events will last 5 days, from the 29th of August until the 2nd of September, and the game rates will be increased to 200x EXP 220x PEXP and 70x Drop. Meanwhile the donations promotion will get you ready with those extra scrolls you might be needing! Enjoy! ~Celestia Luna Staff
  11. There's some drama going on here so I'm going to reply and lock the topic; This suggestion wasn't bad but the reason we don't have bundles is not because we never thought about it after all the server is not new and it's a common thing in mmos Right of this moment it is unavailable, it would require an extensive work on how the Item Shop works with Luna. That's the reason why there's no "amount" form when you buy an item and so you have to click "buy" several times to buy multiple items like scrolls
  12. I don't understand what 2008 has to do with this, you must have registered at celestialuna.com after august 2010 for it to work not any other website, accounts from gpot or anything else do not work here if that is what you mean. Register a new account and start again
  13. Close other programs and lower the resolution and play windowed, that error appears when your graphics card doesn't have enough space or can't load the game, try updating your gfx card drivers and your direct x9
  14. Orange

    About Donate

    It probably means just what it says, press help or send a direct email to PW's support address explaining what happened with details, payment method, amount, etc.
  15. It's not shown on the info window so you can't know. Your attack is not an actual static number either, for example you can hit any random number between x~y, so at level 1 you can hit anywhere from 8 to 20 with your auto-attacks and your criticals will be as random between those limits+z% added as crit damage, I can't tell if base critical is doubled damage or its 50% or what it is because there are very complicated formulas behind character stats and with the amount of item enhancements and passives you can get it can change a lot. I'm just a content developer I don't work with core stuff so I can't tell you the exact formula but I'm sure it also depends on your level
  16. Sounds like it's been too long and we don't recover accounts anymore for now, sorry
  17. add lunaclient.exe to the exceptions list of nod32 and if it's in quarantine restore it
  18. Orange


    Feel free to discuss flash, single player and co-op games but you are kind of advertising and saying how you are moving, or trying, a different MMO, big difference there. Sorry topic locked and edited.
  19. Power rangers are an official costume. We will have all of the existing official Luna costumes (current costumes + 50+ new costumes), I think that is a fair amount of costumes.
  20. Add LUNAclient.exe to your firewall's exception list and to your antivirus exception list and try turning off your antivirus while playing.
  21. You should know where Black Widow Leader and Wizard's costumes come from.. They are in the Item Shop, while Black Widow Scout is PD. And don't get confused on the stats, it says "this OR this OR this" means each stats to its own costume like right now, BWL p. atk, Wizard's m. atk, etc
  22. Remove all your equip and try to level it then
  23. Orange

    inside steaming poop

    Fertilizer is inside it. Duh
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