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Everything posted by Cordelia

  1. Don't throw ash under the ropes like that. That's mean.
  2. Cordelia

    Hello :)

    It takes a while for the your payment to go through if this is your first time donating.
  3. I think he means like you "pay" gold to someone and they use the account to send you gp or pp on luna website? I think that is what he means.
  4. 1.Teleportation 2.World Peace 3. Kick ass like Bruce lee Teleportation + Bruce Lee moves = Teleport kick, Teleport punch, Teleport kick punch punch kick kick combo.
  5. proxy is probably ip blocked.
  6. Cordelia

    Fatal force

    Doesn't work
  7. if restats and reskills were given out in boxes than whats the point of having them in item mall?.......
  8. If you add lucky boxes to the lvl up boxes you can open them and what ever you get you trade....?
  9. This game is not a "company" you twit.All money that is donated get's put back into the server.
  10. Make a new character everyday get the lucky box and be rich o: Then repeat.
  11. Desktops. if one fails you always have 2 backups :3 and if those fail than go out and buy a ps4.
  12. best comment i've seen all day +1 And Welcome to cl! have fun!
  13. On my mage it does -679 hp. So, it depends?
  14. i feel bad for anyone with http://www.netzero.net/dialup
  15. Most annoying moment is when that one person you like tells you they like someone else. then 5 minutes later they are over them and say they like you again. lol.
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