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Everything posted by Nanaka

  1. Nanaka

    Skill Runeimpact

    Fearful blow and rune impact are the two fighter str-based never missing skills. RI fron rune knight and magnus and fearful blow from destroyer.
  2. Nanaka

    Show Yourself!

    I always knew... muahahahahaha.
  3. Nanaka

    Now Playing???

  4. If you think its good in the end, chances are that we will too.
  5. Nanaka


    This, I could not agree more.
  6. Nanaka


    What stresses you out the most? What is the most effective way for you to relieve stress? What stresses me out is when people push you until you break and then wonder why you did.
  7. I see you took Moe to the next level. I like that. This really is talent, never stop drawing.
  8. Perhaps you changed your password, three years is a long time. I would easily forget changing my password.
  9. Nanaka

    My Nishka

    That pun. Hope your dog gets well soon.
  10. Why not just grind if you dc so much..? When you need to afk in the middle of a DD, with an exp scroll running Now that's annoying.
  11. You might want to use the search bar next time, just to be sure what you are suggesting hasn't been suggested before.
  12. Nanaka

    New Emoticons~

    Are* :P I think Its a good thing, it will give people a chance to express themselves more.
  13. Nanaka

    New Emoticons~

    :44: This is going to be fun...
  14. Welcome back, Yuki. I've not heard of you, I hope to see you around often.
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