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- Kira -

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Everything posted by - Kira -

  1. Hope i have ability like you , its seems cool :v
  2. Build a new world with happyness in that world forever ever after . To have many friends who always with me until i dead Married with My gf in my new world
  3. yeah this lag kinda annoying for us ._.
  4. its abaout cast. if battle in pvp arena maybe its hard to win but i have a tips for duel , use Berseker skills (with helmet and lvl 41 sword *forget the name of that items ) and use DK set only for duel cz its bad for pvp (set effects -5% deff ) , its easy to kill it and dont take to closer with enemy actually its abaout range attack and p.a speed
  5. What women want !? and Im not stupid 2
  6. LOL that was the part of the cool thing in this game :v
  7. you know dude everything asking abaout that , and wait for that some people is hope for that lol :v , just wait gm will update it
  8. jelas lah MV di banned , mrugikan server e,e
  9. tapi loe loe pada bakal jadi bule indo :v yg langka , anak2x latin ajah udah quit semua dri 2010 :v sekarang ada masa juga buat indo ..
  10. nope e.e there`s no cave behind me -______-v u can wonder what it is :v
  11. Killer - B & Shikamaru [naruto] Ichigo [bleach] Monkey D luffy [One piece] :D
  12. believe this . this is me with my gang , trolling at the hills in bogorl , when my friend was take a pic something is strange , there`s no one behind us . but as u see there`s something in my back isnt it =.= and its so creepy . believe me this is real 100%
  13. re-log aja tar , statnya naek lagi kok ;)
  14. klo 4-4nya pas , kasian yg laen la :P harus sabar untuk gilirannya . harus pinter membuat sikon menjadi harmonis , atau gak bisa berubah jadi AndiLau :v (antara dilema dan galau ) :P satu lage ne :V gaya ngetrendh masa keneh :v 4 L 4 Y wkkwkw
  15. Hi ~ Welcome to the game ~ Enjoy your stay ~
  16. he/she have a good plan for raising a price guess what because of him now medusa is arround 3-4b before he/she sell it it just 2.3b its for good option :v isnt it cool !?
  17. - Kira -

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    a lot of great people :D its me :P
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