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Most Annoying Moments of the Day


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Not sure if it's already said by anyone here but,

The most annoying moment for me was when I wanted to buy something which I don't know how to value and was asked to offer by the seller, I gave a pretty low offer and the seller starts his " wkwkwkwkwkk " or some sort of egyptian ritual or whatever profanity, followed by a bunch of insults. I froze and be like " what >:^l then why would you ask me to offer in the first place sheeesh so BM"

Tl:dr Seller can be an a** sometimes when your offer is bad.

The infamous --a or the ==" followed by "noob"
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  • Game Master


Waking up in the morning, telling yourself "okay, I'll close my eyes for another 10 minutes".






I tend to do that on days I have work, and for SOME UNGODLY REASON, my alarm clock decides it's not going to go off. That panicky feel when you realize you slept through work, amirite.

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